What do we need you to do?
Call or meet with your state representative/senator and let them know why this bill is important to you and why it needs to be voted into Illinois Legislation!
Click the link and type in your home address to find your elected officials.
Click below to see the Bills status:
How a bill becomes Law
(The 1976 Schoolhouse Rock! segment I'm Just A Bill is a great summary of how Congress turns an idea into a law)
Find Your Representative
It is important for our elected officials to hear from their constituents and others who have expertise on an issue. Meeting and calling your legislators and her/his staff members to let them know that you and your organization have information and expertise can be extremely helpful to them. Let them know that you can be a resource to them. Let your voce be heard!
Click here to find your house representative.
Click here to find your senator.
-You can find out who they are by plugging in your zip code.
-Their email addresses are provided and you can share your story by sending them a personal letter.
-Email your letters, including your name and address.
-Adding a personal touch to your letter is always meaningful.
Tips for writing a letter to your Representative:
-Address the representative with the correct salutation (Dear Senator name, or Dear Representative name, or Dear Governor name).
-Reference the bill by its name and by the House or Senate file number and clearly describe the issue.
-Be concise when stating the issue and let your elected official know how you want them to vote in your first sentence.
-Be specific, and if relevant, provide an example of how the issue affects your district.
-Know your facts. Do not provide inaccurate or misleading information.
-Be cordial when asking for the legislator’s support or opposition.
-Thank the legislator for their and attention to your letter.
-Follow-up letter with a phone call.